Tirzepatide/Glycine/B12 12.5mg

Rx Summary: Tirzepatide/Glycine/B12 12.5mg Weekly

Supplied in five 2mL vials containing 20mg of medication each (for a total of 100mg) at a concentration of 10mg/5mg/500mcg/ml


Supplied in one 2mL vial containing 20mg of medication plus two 4mL vials containing 40mg each (80mg) for a total of 100mg at a concentration of 10mg/5mg/500mcg/ml

Note that the second dose from the 2mL vial will be incomplete - open one of the 4mL vials to finish pulling up the full dose

Your weekly dose of tirzepatide is 12.5mg (1.25 mL) weekly injection. You may increase the dose after 3-4 weeks by an additional 2.5mg (add 0.25 mL) if needed to a maximum dose of 15mg/week. Keep in mind when increasing doses you will need to follow-up sooner to reorder your medication. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns about your medication.

View more information about tirzepatide here:


Rx: Tirzepatide/Glycine/B12 weekly injection 

Route: Subcutaneous Injection

Storage: Refrigerated

Follow-up: 2 months